At the service of the Missionary Church
We are a network of open hearts and outstretched hands, connected to the power of Christ's love and, connected to lay collaborators and missionaries, at the service of the Church. The total gift of self disposes us to share spiritual gifts and to transmit material help to the most needy in the world.
Our priority is to pass on the fire of Christ to others
that burns in our hearts, to spread more and more love for the Mission,
rooting it in everyone's heart
We are characterized by the desire to root and consolidate the Kingdom of God everywhere, especially in Africa, first of all through prayer, the giving of ourselves and through various promotion and support activities for the missions.
In questi giorni stiamo assistendo a una situazione molto drammatica in Ucraina. Una guerra che non solo distrugge edifici e ambiente, ma anche la vita umana. Molti fugano, alcuni morti e molti sono confusi e soffrano le conseguenze. Ci appelliamo alla vostra generosità per poter raggiungere il popolo ucraino durante e dopo questa guerra insensata. Dio vi benedica per la vostra assistenza.