The Church cannot do without the lung of prayer, and I am immensely happy that groups of prayer, intercession, prayerful reading of the Word, perpetual adorations of the Eucharist are multiplying in all ecclesial institutions.
Francis, Evangelii Gaudium, 262
We add action to prayer. Let us know and love the missions, but above all let us love them ourselves and take care that interest in them does not go out in our hearts.
Blessed Maria Teresa Ledóchowska
The Union of Masses in favor of the Missions consists of 500 Holy Masses, which are celebrated every year for all the members, whether they are living or deceased.
To take advantage of this "hidden treasure" just send us the names of the people you wish to register and the offer, per person, of € 5.00. This is given once and for all and has a double purpose: help the Missions and take advantage of the countless thanks for the 500 Holy Masses celebrated every year perpetually, in life and in death.
To each member, for those who wish, a small image will be sent as a souvenir.