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Our Spirituality

We give primacy to the spiritual life so that our communities become schools of prayer and evangelical spirituality.



The Mother Foundress, following Ignatian spirituality, gave great importance to meditation, examination of conscience, monthly retreats  Spiritual Exercises.  


By faithfully living these times of prayer in an attitude of permanent conversion, we open ourselves to the transforming action of the Spirit who molds the image of Christ in us in an ever more visible and credible way.



Inspired by the biblical icons, indicated to us by the Foundress, we desire  to be with Mary at the foot of the Cross  because in the work of salvation one can collaborate only as Christ, through the Cross.

Ignatian spirituality

At the foot of the Cross

Good  Samaritan

Moved by compassion for our most abandoned brothers and sisters and seeing the face of Christ in them, we are close to them like the Good Samaritan, providing missionaries with the means to help them, spiritually and materially.  


We want to involve every believer in this work of compassion, convinced that the most divine of divine things is to cooperate in the salvation of souls redeemed by the most precious Blood of Christ.


All the elements of our spiritual life spring from the contemplation of the image of Christ the Redeemer who shed his blood on the cross for humanity.

From his torn heart, the inexhaustible source of all gifts, the Father makes us feel his love and transmits the seeds of goodness and generosity into our hearts.


In a world that is increasingly sad, devoid of the true meaning of life, we want to make it known that Christ is Love and the answer to every problem.   


The Liturgy of the Hours, Eucharistic adoration, the Rosary and other spaces of prayer help us to live the gift of ourselves   for the Kingdom of God.


Contact us

Missionary Sisters of St. Peter Claver

Via dell'Olmata 16

00184 Rome



Tel: 064880450 -

Mobile:  349 069 5384

Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of St. Peter Claver


Account: 16595


IBAN: IT57X0521603229000000016595

Missionary Sisters of St Peter Claver


Bank Account:  16595


IBAN: IT57X0521603229000000016595

© 2020  Missionary Sisters of St. Peter Claver. All rights reserved.

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