Formation is a gradual process that begins from the moment the person perceives God's call and decides to follow it.
The candidate- Attracted by the charism of our Institute, the young woman is accompanied and helped in the process of vocational discernment through correspondence, personal meetings, days of retreat, reflection, etc ...
The postulant - The formative journey of the postulant lasts from six months to two years. A human and Christian formation is proposed to her that will lead her to knowledge of herself, to the growth and maturation of her own calling, and to adherence to Christ the Lord.
The novice - For a period of two years the novice is guided to contemplate the mysteries of Christ, to meditate on Sacred Scripture, to learn about the spirituality and charism of the Institute, etc. The novitiate favors spaces of silence, of prayer and helps develop a personal love for Christ Jesus. In the second year the novice has an apostolic experience of two months.
From the very beginning of its foundation, which took place in 1894, through the work of Blessed Maria Teresa LedÏŒchowska, the Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of St. Peter Claver had the presence of lay people in its charismatic project.
The lay collaborators of the Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of St. Peter Claver are people of both sexes, eager to sanctify themselves in the service of God and of the Church which by its nature is missionary, participating in the apostolate of missionary animation and cooperation.
Participation in a charism - gift of the Holy Spirit for the good of the universal Church - and in a specific spirituality presupposes a call from God; it is the Lord himself who calls lay people to participate in the charism of Blessed Maria Teresa Ledóchowska and in the particular mission of the Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of St. Peter Claver in the universal Church.
​ A person who aspires to live the Christian life more radically, in more intimate communion with Jesus Christ, and how External Member sharing the spirituality, charism and apostolate of the SSPC Congregation, will present his application together with the curriculum vitae, a photocopy of the identity document and the recommendation of his own pastor or another priest who knows him, to the local Superior of one of our communities.