"I don't know of anything more beautiful than to co-operate with God in the salvation of souls."
~ Bl. Mary Theresa Ledòchowska
With Christ the Redeemer
Looking in faith at Jesus on the Cross and listening to His cry "I thirst" (Jn 19:28) the Sisters are urged to cooperate with Him in the salvation of souls, as expressed in the motto of the Congregation: The most divine of divine things is to cooperate in the salvation of souls.
Through the Gift of Self
Blessed Mary Theresa points to Jesus as the splendid example of complete dedication. Contemplating His total gift to humanity on the Cross and in the Eucharist, the sisters respond with the gift of self. The absolute gift of self along with the burning desire to share the Good News of Christ with those who do not know Him, is of greater value that the types of missionary service in which the sisters are engaged.
Giving one's life in order that others might know Christ leads to true joy and gratitude, even if the Sisters never meet those for whom they have dedicated their lives. Blessed Mary Theresa considers working for those whom we don't even know or will ever meet on earth as the ideal of Christian charity (Conf. 1918). However, she makes no secret of the fact, that as difficult as the work is, it is also very rewarding.