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We are a Congregation of women dedicated to God and the service of the Missionary Church.  


We ardently desire to live entirely at the service of the Kingdom of God, surrendered totally to Christ who is the center of our lives.  


We seek to awaken in the faithful to greater awareness of the  missionary dimension of their  baptismal calling.  Together  with the laity we strive to meet the needs  of missionaries throughout the world.  


Our life of consecration, our prayer and work seeks to make the Good News of God's saving love in Jesus Christ known and loved.

We  give our lives in the service of the Missionary Church and seek to inform and encourage all  Christians to  pray, and make sacrifices for the  missionary work of the Church. We encourage  missionary vocations and material help, the precious fruit of ecclesial collaboration  

between sister Churches.



Contact us

Missionary Sisters of St. Peter Claver

Via dell'Olmata 16

00184 Rome



Tel: 064880450 -

Mobile:  349 069 5384

Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of St. Peter Claver


Account: 16595


IBAN: IT57X0521603229000000016595

Missionary Sisters of St Peter Claver


Bank Account:  16595


IBAN: IT57X0521603229000000016595

© 2020  Missionary Sisters of St. Peter Claver. All rights reserved.

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