Follow me!
Our call to follow Christ with a new and special religious consecration is a gift of the Holy Trinity rooted in Baptism, which is realized through the profession of the evangelical counsels.
Vow of CHASTITY assumed for the Kingdom of Heaven, sign of future life and source from the richer fruitfulness in the undivided heart!

Vow of POVERTY makes us free from the slavery of things and needs induced by the consumer society and helps us to rediscover Christ, our only true wealth. In this way we fill our hearts with his love and with the values of the Kingdom.
Vow of OBEDIENCE assumed in a spirit of faith and love to follow Christ obedient to death. With this vow we offer the Lord the best we have, that is, ours will .

It is not you who have chosen me, but I who have chosen you, and you I have appointed you to go, and bear fruit, and your fruit be permanent; so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, He may give it to you.
John 15:16